Naftali Kalfa was born in Toronto, Canada He is the proud eldest of 11 siblings.
Naftali is married to Tamar and the father of 7 beautiful children.
Music has always been in his soul and from a very young age, he would sing in synagogues and for community events.
Naftali’s musical talent and inclination come from his mother who is a talented singer and musician who plays both flute and guitar.
Naftali’s musical influences are varied and span from R’ Shlomo Carlebach, Avraham Fried, and Mordechai Ben David to Elvis Presley, the Beatles, and Eric Clapton.
He appreciates good music from all different genres.
My music is very personal.
It comes from a place deep in my heart and soul.
There are things we are able to express through song that no amount of words will ever come close to expressing.